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Customised Third/Helping handBeing involved in hobby electronics in the early 1970s I saw adverts for helping (aka third) hands appear. I didn't buy one then. I don't know if that is when they were invented or by whom. They're popular now, exactly the same design, although no longer made in England. For holding things whilst I soldered I would put a rubber band around a pair of pliers. Recently I bought a collection of these devices to hold stuff whilst I photographed it. Having them, I used them for electronics. Customisation is unavoidable, the magnifying glass is not much use, so most of them go, and the metal base is scratchy so one sticks on rubber feet. I saw expensive versions, with multiple 'hands' attached to a base. For example see: Then I watched a video: The bases of the helping hands I have are made of cast iron - it is easy to drill. More customisation, three clips on each side. It seems common to add soft (perhaps heat shrink) tubing to the clips to make them less harsh. The pivoting/clamping mechanisms are difficult to tighten by hand and I'd replace those if I could find suitable bolts and knobs. In 50 years most of the significant change in commercial versions has been to add a soldering iron stand. Turning something which is unstable into something which is very unstable and dangerously hot. Perhaps an example of making a product which looks like a good idea. A new direction is to use flexible connectors (Loc-Line-style modular hose): Many people with 3D printers have done better versions: I printed some thumbscrews: The thumb knob is a customised version of Someone else's effort: I read in the comments of Blu Tack vs Helping Hands user "InTnMnNmAz" suggest Belleville springs, aka push nuts, aka spring washers, aka starlock washers. There is a page on Wikipedia - Helping hand (tool), however I can find no corroborating information, as they say "citation needed". |
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