Started 31st August 2024
Don't buy the last item in the shop
This is the item the most people have rejected.
Corollary, items in harder to reach places are likely to be better, less people will have looked at them.
The person in front of you is more interesting
In a queue situation the people in front of you will get much more time than you.
Someone always has a bigger train set than you do
In any endeavour, you may be proud of what you have, but someone will always have a bigger, better one
The information you want is in someone's desk drawer
There is always information you would like to know, it would be a big help, it would let you achieve things, but you don't have it, and Google does not have it. But it is sat in a desk somewhere. Once in a while the person who sits behind the desk, pulls out the files and smiles at them. Or perhaps they just stuff more files into the desk every day.
Corollary, reverse engineering. People get paid to work things out that are documented in a desk somewhere.
The people you enter the supermarket with will be with you until you leave the supermarket
We know this by setting up a marker, a noisy person. People perambulate in the same path at the same rate.
Corollary, wait outside the supermarket until someone you don't find objectionable enters.
You always miss one potato
Any ground that has had potatoes planted in it will grow some the next year
The view from outside the organisation is different to that from inside
Fans adore their heroes, the converse is not always true. Outsiders see a polished machine, insiders know about the flaws.
Things work using magic
Those who don't know, invent sophisticated "magic" to explain how things work, how they actually work is often simple.
It is easier to see something present than something that is missing
Sometimes you need to notice the absence of an object, it is harder because you have to remember what should be there and there are no visual clues.
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