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Solar EngineStarted 9th June 2016 - work in progress - correctness level low I've been interested in the solar engines on the Solarbotics.net web site below for a long time. Click to show MicroPower SE article from Solarbiotics site The material in this expanding block is reproduced here under the terms of its Creative Commons Licence (and because it is impossible to directly link to). Both Steve and I have built (bread boarded or haywired) the business end of the design and achieved similar results. This does not mean that it will work for everyone but it should. [I used a BC559C (Q1), a BC549C (Q2) a BC559B (Q3) and a BC337-25 (Q4), which happened to be in the bitbox. SB]
There is one adjustable resistor which is the only real complication and it means that there is a calibration procedure which is as follows:
1. Set R1 to max. (1.0M).
2. Connect a DVM across the storage capacitor .
3. Enable power to the circuit . If the circuit works properly, the voltage will rise to a firing point, turn on the motor momentarily which discharges the capacitor to level where motor has little current passing through it but Q1 and Q2 are still conducting. At this point,...
4. Slowly adjust R1 until the voltage starts to rise again. This is the threshold for minimum operation.
5. Adjust R1 just a little further to assure reliable operation.
In practice, I removed R1, measured its value and replaced it with a standard resistor value 5 to 10% less. 560K was the value that both Steve and I used which shows just how repeatable this design is or how lucky we were.
Note: It is realized that this presentation is very cryptic. If it were delayed until a complete circuit description and circuit layout were complete, it may not have been presented at all. It is hard for many to realize the time and effort it takes to create the circuit cards, obtain the correct parts, make up the kits and write assembly / debug instructions. The dollar cost and other risks are not minimal.
If there is a need for this circuit , it shall come to pass. And here are Ken's comments (slightly edited) on the design changes: |
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